OM Consulting
OM Consulting is a private limited company (SARLU) created in July 2001 and operating under Malagasy company legislation.
Owner and General Manager : Olivier MAECHEL.
Activity : the representation and promotion of pharmaceutical laboratories in Madagascar.
In July 2001, OM Consulting launched the laboratory M-GENERIC .
M-GENERIC, an American laboratory, manufactures a wide range of products in India and became within three-and-a-half years the leading company in Madagascar for this range of products.
This success story enabled OM Consulting to become qualified with other pharmaceutical laboratories such as :
> July 2004 : COOPER
> September 2004 : PROPHARMED : Laboratories HRA, BAILLEUL, MANIX
> January 2005 : Bristol - Myers Squibb-UPSA
> March 2005 : AJANTA Pharma
> November 2008 : DENK Pharma
> November 2015 : Pharma ZENITH
> December 2015 : Pharma 5
OM Consulting has developed locally appropriate marketing supports to help promote the label it represents such as posters, stickers, booklets and annual calendars.
Faced with the cost and risks associated with investment in local representation in remote geographical areas, pharmaceutical laboratories are studying very carefully the outsourcing of this highly value-added activity.
As such, OM CONSULTING strives to bring modern marketing solutions to support the women and the men of the pharmaceutical industry who wish to outsource their promotion and their sales force whilst at the same time guaranteeing a quality label.
A major asset with field experience, the role of the medical representative is to promote the products of its laboratory within the health professional community such as hospitals, general practitioners and specialists, hospital officials and department heads.
Beyond the marketing/communication dimension, the medical representative remains a preferred direct source of medical information for health professionals, allowing them to prescribe in accordance with the proper use of medicines.
With a high degree of autonomy, the daily visits by the medical representatives enables them to communicate and give all relevant information on the drugs they are promoting as well as for example the organization of events, participation in conventions, establishment of post graduate teaching processes for health professionals.
OM CONSULTING’s mission is to facilitate introduction to the Malagasy pharmaceutical market and to support all administrative and regulatory procedures whilst ensuring the promotion and distribution on behalf of pharmaceutical companies wishing to set up in Madagascar or for those companies already established who wish to redeploy their business.